Saturday, August 13, 2011


Congress meets day after day trying to solve a budget and the answer my friend is right beneath their nose.  Literally, right in front of their face and they can not even see where they can save millions and millions of dollars.  I can see the savings and hopefully this information, although already thought about by many, will start a revolution of sorts.  My solution only begins as such and could go much deeper keeping in mind these are only the department heads and Congress (those making decisions):
President - $400,000
Vice President - $230,700
Senator - $174,000 (@100 Senators: $17,400,000)
Majority Leader - $193,400
Minority Leader - $193,400
Represenative - $174,000 (@435 Represenatives: $75,690,000)
Speaker of the House - $223,500
Majority Leader - $193,400
Minority Leader - $193,400
Secretary of State - $186,600
Deputy Secretary of Agriculture - $177,000
Secretary of Transportation - $199,700
Secretary of Department of Defense - $199,700
Deputy Secretary of Education - $162,000
Secretary of Energy - $152,000
Deputy Secretary of Health & Human Services - $162,000
Secretary of Housing & Urban Development - $193,000
Average Politician: $200,459 (as individual department heads, not including the 100 Senators or 435 Represenatives)
Average American Citizen: $63,091
If the American people would push to reduce these salaries by 25% (including our Senators and Represenatives) you would be amazed at the results and how much we could reduce this national debt crisis that our government keeps speaking of.  We absolutely need to control our special interest groups, we absolutely need to control our spending...but, our government does not need to go after our Soldiers and our education!!  Here you will see that by our quote unquote leaders taking a 25% cut in pay, we would make a great dent in our our current national financial situation.  And keep in mind that these cuts could go much deeper in our spending.
President - $400,000 - 25% = $300,000 saving $100,000
Vice President - $230,700 - 25% = $173,025 saving $57,675
Senator - $174,000 (@100 Senators: $17,400,000) - 25% = $130,500 saving $43,500 (@100 Senators $4,350,000)
Majority Leader - $193,400 - 25% = $145,050 saving $48,350
Minority Leader - $193,400 - 25% = $145,050 saving $48,350
Represenative - $174,000 (@435 Represenatives: $75,690,000) - 25% = $130,500 saving $43,500 (@435 Represenatives $18,922,500)
Speaker of the House - $223,500 - 25% = $167,625 saving $55,875
Majority Leader - $193,400 - 25% = $145,050 saving $48,350
Minority Leader - $193,400 - 25% = $145,050 saving $48,350
Secretary of State - $186,600 - 25% = $139,950 saving $46,650
Deputy Secretary of Agriculture - $177,000 - 25% = $132,750 saving $44,250
Secretary of Transportation - $199,700 - 25% = $149,775 saving $49,925
Secretary of Department of Defense - $199,700 - 25% = $149,775 saving $49,925
Deputy Secretary of Education - $162,000 - 25% = $121,500 saving $40,500
Secretary of Energy - $152,000 - 25% = $114,000 saving $38,000
Deputy Secretary of Health & Human Services - $162,000 - 25% = $121,500 saving $40,500
Secretary of Housing & Urban Development - $193,000 - 25% = $144,750 saving $48,250
New Average Politician:  $150,344 (as individual department heads, not including the 100 Senators or 435 Represenatives)
Average Americon Citizen: $63,091 (STILL!!)
So, if one was to include all the department heads and each individual each one of them taking a 25% cut in pay this country would save....$24,037,450 per year (couting each individual Congressmen). 
Now, how much would this pay and they would still make on average more than 50% of that of the average American.  This is a one quarter of a million dollars!!  Providing this nation keeps our ASS out of any more debt commitments, this could go a long way - especially if this 25% reduction is applied from the top down which would provide for a much greater savings in our national spending!!  CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN!!